7 Biggest Differences Between REITs and Real Estate Syndications

If real estate investing seems interesting to you, but you’d rather avoid becoming a landlord, you’re not alone. Fixing toilet emergencies at 3am isn’t appealing to most people. Shocker. The next logical step that many investors take is toward a real estate investment trust (REIT), which is easy to access, just like stocks. What is…

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Stock Market Vs. Real Estate: A Comparison of Risks

If you are anything like me, you’ve donepretty well in the stock market this year. Many people have watched their stock portfolio soar this year. But if you have been investing for awhile, you understand that what goes up, usually comes down. There is a volatility in the stock market… and that’s why I personally…

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Steps of How To Invest in Your 1st Real Estate Syndication

When it comes to investing in real estate, most people are fairly familiar with the process of buying a single-family home or rental property. You choose the market and neighborhoods, determine how many bedrooms and bathrooms you’re looking for, get together with a lender and a broker, tour potential properties, and then make an offer.…

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Introducing the Key Players In Real Estate Syndication

One of the best analogies for a real estate syndication is to think of it as an airplane ride. There are pilots, passengers, flight attendants, mechanics, and more, who all work together to get the plane safely to its destination. In this analogy, the pilots are the sponsors of the syndication, and the passengers are…

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The Benefits of Passively Investing in Real Estate

If you’ve ever experienced owning single-family or multifamily homes, you know that these investments require time and energy. Investing in residential real estate can be challenging because, typically, you as the investor wear many hats throughout the seemingly never-ending process. Responsibilities include finding the property, negotiating and funding the deal, renovating the property, interviewing tenants,…

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5 Reasons To Invest Passively In Multifamily Today

The vast majority of people spend their lives working full-time jobs to earn a “steady” paycheck. Meanwhile, the wealthy have somehow unlocked the secret to working less while making their money work for them. So what is it that the wealthy know that the rest of us don’t? One of the biggest secrets that the…

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Active vs. Passive Investing- Which One Is Right For You?

Did you know that you could invest in real estate without the headaches of tenants, toilets, and termites? It’s true – you can get all the benefits of investing in real estate, without any of the hassles of being a landlord. In this article, you’ll see what passive real estate investing means and find out…

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What Kind Of Returns Can I Get With A Passive Investment?

One of the most common questions that we get asked is, “If I were to invest $50,000 with you today, what kinds of returns should I expect?” We get it. You want to know how hard real estate syndications can make YOUR money work for you, and how passive real estate investing stacks up to…

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How To Stop Trading Your Time For Money And Create Passive Income

Imagine with me, that your workday began with the usual routine, but halfway through your morning, you received the news you’d been laid off. For most Americans, that means zero income starting tomorrow morning. Now, let’s pretend that during your employment, you leveraged your money. “The rich don’t work for money. They make their money…

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What Does It Mean to be an Accredited Investor?

Once you decide to dive into the real estate investing world, it won’t be long before you hear the term “Accredited Investor.” Once you notice how many passive commercial real estate or crowdfunded investment opportunities are publicly advertised and therefore limited to accredited investors, you may become curious. Even if you’re a total newbie, it’s…

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