3 Must Have Qualities I Look For In Every Investment I Make

If you start out investing with more time than money, you may be excited to dive into scrubbing moldy cabinets, exterminating bug-infested corners, painting, repainting, and installing sheetrock until your arms are weak with exhaustion. The truth is, the hustle and bustle of real estate is fascinating and it’s thrilling to be a part of…

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The Best Way to Invest $200,000 In Real Estate?

In some of the most expensive real estate markets in the US, a two-bedroom home may sell for over $950,000. IF you were considering buying that thing, you’d have to put hundreds of thousands of dollars down, just to buy a starter home. Yikes! In a real estate market that’s overheated, does the traditional narrative…

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A Behind-the-Scenes Look At 3 Multifamily Real Estate Syndication

When it comes to investing, as with many of life’s major paths, it’s easy to look back and see the best choices, what should have been done, and what would have been a smart decision. Harnessing the ability to thoroughly understand your financial situation, identify actual financial goals, and commit to a plan of action…

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How Non Accredited Investors Can Invest Too

As a new investor, it’s common sense to believe there exists a wide range of experience levels in the real estate investment world. But when you start digging into potential investment opportunities and realize that sometimes only accredited investors are allowed into certain deals, it feels like a total slap in the face. That slap…

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5 Ways To Maximize Long-Term Growth Through Diversification

Have you ever known a new mom? She likely has stashed packages of baby wipes everywhere. In her purse, the diaper bag, multiple places in the baby’s room, in the master bedroom, in the car. It’s likely that anywhere she and the baby might be; a stash of baby wipes is near. The purpose, of…

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Which Makes More Money, Rental Properties Or RE Syndications?

One question that comes up most often is, which investment provides a better return? People want to know if investing in real estate properties is more lucrative or if real estate syndications are truly the best choice. The major benefit of syndications is being a true hands-off investment. It saves investors from the stress of…

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Are Real Estate Syndications Too Good To Be True?

When you first learn what real estate syndications are and how passive investing works, your first question might be, “What’s the catch?” Receiving a check in the mail or a direct deposit in your bank account for doing, seemingly, nothing sounds too good to be true. What are the hidden risks of investing in real…

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Real Estate Syndication 101- Back To Basics

Many real estate investors “get their feet wet” through some form of residential real estate. Whether those initial investments are flips, standard rental homes, or even duplexes, that’s a great start. But we recently met someone who’d been in the real estate investing game for over 10 years and had never heard of a “real…

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5 Signs Real Estate Syndications Are Right For You

You’ve been devouring all the information possible and have nearly become enamored with the power of passively investing in real estate syndications. How could you not? The ability to invest in real, physical assets without being a landlord, getting a share of the majority returns, and reaping amazing tax benefits is a pretty shockingly sweet…

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10 Key Factors To Consider Where To Invest

Once you decide to invest outside your local area, the possibilities are limitless. This can be exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time. A tidal wave of thoughts may come flooding in immediately. Should you consider a bustling city or a metro area? You may reminisce about a vacation you enjoyed and the gorgeous buildings…

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