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Do you remember the 5 paragraph essay structure from elementary school? Having guidelines to introduce a central idea, provide 3 supportive paragraphs, and close with a strong conclusion provides freedom and structure all at once. The Five Phases of a Value-Add Multifamily Syndication Similarly, each real estate syndication goes through a progression of stages with…

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What is passive investing?

A syndication is simply a pooling of resources toward a common purpose—in this case, to buy an apartment complex. We do all the active work in the project. We find the apartment complexes, put them under contract, and raise the capital to buy the apartment building. After we close on the property, we make sure…

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5 Reasons Real Estate Investing Is The Best

The vast majority of people spend their lives working full-time jobs to earn a “steady” paycheck. Meanwhile, the wealthy have somehow unlocked the secret to working less while making their money work for them. So what is it that the wealthy know that the rest of us don’t? One of the biggest secrets that the…

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3 Options For Funding Your Real Estate Syndication Investment

As you learn about real estate syndications and decide to invest, one of the main questions that come to mind is about how and where to get the money to fund this investment decision. Passive income sounds fantastic, but you’ve got to set up your personal finances strategically, so the distributions benefit you in the…

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Best Practices In Real Estate Investing

If you’re interested in investing in real estate but aren’t sure how to get started, you’re not alone. Often, would-be investors know that real estate is a reliable, relatively low-risk way to build wealth but aren’t sure how to initiate the process. A typical path new investors take is starting small and building capital, then…

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Pay Less In Taxes Legally With Real Estate

Taxes aren’t the most exciting aspect of real estate investing, but they’re important to understand nonetheless. As a real estate investor, it’s much more fun to focus on great returns and upgrading your lifestyle, but you must be sure to not overlook taxes completely. As a passive investor in a real estate syndication, your sponsor…

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Why Real Estate Is A Great Hedge Against Inflation

Inflation is defined as a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. In a nutshell, inflation means that the prices of essential goods and services are rising as our income remains the same. Unfortunately, in the U.S., we’re currently experiencing record high inflation, the highest we’ve seen in 30 years.…

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How To Get Your Spouse/Partner On Board With RE Investing

Making any big investment decision shouldn’t be taken lightly, which is why it’s important to be on the same page with your spouse when it comes to finances. Every person develops a different internal money story and feelings about spending, saving, and investing habits based on childhood and other life experiences. This is why one…

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5 Things Every New Investor Should Do Before Investing

When you first begin to consider real estate syndication as an investment option, it can feel lonely, intimidating, or even like you’re going in blindfolded. I personally experienced fears around investing in a real estate investment property I’d never seen, concern about how I’d get my money back, and doubt around the inability to log…

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